Safe in the arms of….my neighbor’s crawl space?

 Waking up this morning, well, every morning since the storms that were forecasted to be the most dangerous seen in the last 15 years, I’ve felt such a sense of gratitude. I have to share it with you. Tuesday night all the  news could talk about was the severe weather we were supposed to get …

Snooze Button

I just got done with a high-intensity-interval-cardio-functional-mayhem-insane-crazy-butt-kicking-I-thought-I-might-die workout. I know this is how my fitness class participants feel when they are done with what I put them through.  In each class I get to witness someone moving past limits.  The brick walls they’d constructed before– gone. Smashed. I got up this morning feeling heavy and sluggish. Sandpaper …

Content Speaks; Process Breathes

Sometimes we can get so caught up in the content of something, we completely miss the process. Ever notice how the worst of your arguments with friends, family members, or loved ones are often due to the words you’re taking personally? In the heat of the moment you’re past the point of being able to …

Running as far and as fast as you can…

Ever notice that it’s when you’re trying as hard as you can to push something away…a feeling, a situation, a task…that you experience the most suffering? Think about it. You’re in a relationship. You want to tell your partner something that’s been bothering you, but you’re scared of his/her reaction. So you put it off. …

You are in my thoughts and oysters…

Driving home just yesterday from what was an unusually  pleasant morning of grocery shopping, I listened to the DJ on the radio as he shared an experience some friends of his had recently been through. He was concerned for their welfare and they’d obviously gone through a transition in their lives which left them feeling …