Are you confident?

Ask yourself: Am I confident? Got an answer? I anticipate a few different responses: “Hell yeah, baby! I’ve got it going on!” “Um, I guess. It kinda depends on the situation.” “I wish I was more confident. I struggle with having pretty low self-esteem.” Obviously the answers can vary tremendously, but I’d say that like …

Starving, Stressed, and Stockpiling

We’re involved in a crisis. It’s epic. It’s huge. Just like we are. We’re starving. Yet we’re fat. Ironic. We’re suffering from a severe deficiency. As much as we eat, and we’re lacking nourishment. Our bodies are deprived and I argue it’s because we’ve lost our minds. Literally. When I hear “Kori, I’m hungry…all the …

How’s Your Metabolism?

This past Tuesday, Dr. Joe gave a workshop on metabolic positioning. The goal was to explain how we can set ourselves up in a healthy, physiologically sound, science-based way for maximum fat loss. He explained to our viewers and attendees how the body utilizes carbohydrates and described the 3-stage process of energy usage for sustaining …

What are you pursuing, exactly?

How do you define success? Every time I get on Facebook, someone has posted a new quote apparently designed to ooze motivation and enthusiasm for trying harder, being better, striving more, pushing further, and demanding success…and all in the name of what? Most of these quotes have a hard-body in the background, muscles rippling, iron …

Face the Space…and Speak Your Truth

Victor Frankl said, “Between the stimulus and the response this is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” On my recent vacation I noticed the spaciousness that I felt- a sense of boundless energy unencumbered by the familiar minutiae of my …

Afraid to get excited?

“Everything has been going so well, I’m afraid to get excited,” my client stated emphatically. “What if it doesn’t last?” “Guess what…” I said, “It won’t!” I know what you’re thinking. Dang, Kori; way to burst her bubble! You always talk about how powerful our thoughts are and how important being positive is! Well, yes, …

Chasing Color…

Our lives are ours to polish; to brighten in the ways that will illuminate our souls; to dive into head first with consciousness and appreciation; to paint with a creative palette of colors; and to write with twists, turns, and new experiences. Are you chasing color in your life? Desperately clinging to something or someone …

You’re a human if you’re unveiling some crap. You don’t have to like it.

A significant misconception exists among many newbie mindfulness adopters. It may sound mystical and I think it frequently turns people off because of its perceived leanings toward Eastern religion, but mindfulness isn’t about becoming religious. Perhaps for some, that’s important, but what I find is it’s much more easily accepted when it’s looked at for …

No new experience, no new insight…

No new experience, no new insight. This is Halcolm’s Law of Induction. Until I was given the space to be out of my normal environment, it was my unthought known…or perhaps more accurately, my undone experienced. And so I continue to travel, though my Week-Long Wanderlust has officially ended. Learning need not come from books, …

My Week-long Wanderlust: Day 1

At 2:30 am Central time,  yesterday morning, I arose from a not-so-deep slumber. Anticipating heavy eyes for at least the first couple hours before the sun would emerge above the horizon, I readied my mountain blueberry coffee and had a small breakfast while waiting for my friend to text her familiar, “Here” that would signal …